Miguel Cece

Deblurring with Autoencoders

Autoencoder for deblurring MNIST dataset, developed with Tensorflow and Python.

Web Sketch

Web application to draw sketches in browser, developed with Javascript, and p5 library.

Face Tracking

Developed with Python, it can track diferent faces in the image, based in position, average color variation, and lbp variation.

Zoombie Game

Arcade zombie game shooter developed with Javascript and P5 library.

Seedlings Classification

Convolutional neural net for seedlings Classification, developed with Python and Tensorflow.

Toxic Coments

Neural net for toxic coments Classification, developed with Python and Tensorflow.

Driver Arcade

Arcade game developed with Java2d.

Machine Learning Repository

Github Repository with all my machine learning codes.

Robotics + Face Detection

Smart camera tripod that places person face in center of image.